Members News and Membership Information


The fees for joining are

    Adult membership £5 a year

    Children under 16 £2 a year

To join the club please complete a membership form 
This is a pdf document and it will open in a new window in Adobe Acrobat reader. 

Details of where to email the form and how to pay for membership are given on the form.

Membership benefits

As a member you will be entitled to reduced fees when you enter any of our shows or matches.  

During the winter we may have special guest trainers visiting Cornwall and the training sessions fill up very quickly.  Places at the sessions are offered to our members before anyone else and they are at discounted rates. 

Club members are also able to take part in regular training sessions at Sticker near St Austell and all are welcome to come to our fun days and barbecues.  Family members and friends are invited as well and we have a lot of fun and laughs at these do's.

If you have any questions you're welcome to speak to any members of the committee or get in touch via email.  Contact details are on the contacts page.

Finally if you would like to take up the benefits of membership all we ask in return is that you give up a little bit of your time to help us run our shows and matches and that you're prepared to be rather silly from time to time.

If you've never helped at a show we've put together a special guide for the terrified and this explains all the jobs that need to be done on show day.  No-one who is new to shows will be asked to do anything difficult and no members are asked to do anything that they aren't physically capable of doing.  Please let us know if you need to sit down, stand up, not lift anything heavy etc. and we can find the right job for you.

We don't have a guide for being silly.  Our members manage perfectly well by themselves.

Annual Awards

Cornwall Agility Club awards trophies at their annual generally meeting usually held in March each year.  Toiwards the end of the year we will publish a points form for you to complete.
You could be awarded one of the following trophies:- 

Veteran (9YRS+)
Cliff Howes (most points)
Clear round
Any Size
Grades one and two
Annual Small/medium award
Independent league (UKA/FAB)
The Three Tone Tobias Award for the most entertaining dog and handler.  Please send your suggestions fot this award to Kim.

Points forms will be available later in the year.

Cliff Howes

For those who are wondering about Cliff Howes, Cliff used to train with Bob and Cyd Griffin but sadly he passed away whilst attending a training session.  He ran a large collie called Ben.  His wife would have loved to have kept his dog but he was too strong for her and so Bob and Cyd kindly took him in and and gave him a wonderful home.  Cliff died doing what he loved and the trophy is a lasting memorial to him.


Points are awarded as follows:
1st = 15pts
2nd = 14pts
3rd = 13 pts
4th = 12 pts
5th = 11 pts
6th = 10 pts
7th = 9 pts
8th = 8 pts
9th = 7 pts
10th = 6 pts
11th = 5 pts
12th = 4pts
13th = 3pts
14th = 2pts

1pt per unplaced clear round

All completed sheets to be sent before the 2017 AGM to:
Kim Lawer, 17 Rosina Way, Penwithick, St Austell, Cornwall, PL26 8TS